Monday, February 15, 2010

Peace by Piece VI

It makes me so happy to see that some of the young women members of the Peace by Piece quilters are still quilting away even in my absence. Of course, quite apart from being quilters, they are also dear friends of mine and it is an honor and a joy to be able to spend time with them when I visit Atlanta. Meeting as Peace by Piecers is just a good excuse for me to get together with the youngsters who, I am sure, have much better things to do than indulge an old woman like myself!

In October it was exciting for all of us that Ela had her finished quilt to show off. She had finished hand piecing the top and elicited help from one or more of the other Peace by Piecers - plus staff at the Intown Quilter- to make the decision about borders. Then it was machine quilted by Regina Carter, and Ela took a class on bias binding, taught by my friend and fellow AIQ guild member Patty Murphy, also at Intown Quilter. All of which resulted in this gorgeous quilt:
Here Ela, proudly and happily, shows off both the front and the back of her quilt with the help of Mica. I had no idea what she had put on the back: fabric from the Tree Top Fancy collection by Anna Maria Horner, which I just love.

Meanwhile, Shelby also sent me a picture of a quilt she finished. While she is still working on the quilt she was doing for Peace by Piece, she had always wanted to do a quilt from old jeans she had been saving. I had discouraged that, saying it would be to hard to work with for a beginner. Silly me, a quilt teacher should NEVER say anything to discourage students! Here is her jeans quilt, pictured with one of her cats.
Of course, I do not have a favorite student. Something a teacher also should NEVER have. But I must say that Kirsten definitely is the most prolific of the Peace by Piece quilters (not counting myself, of course, but I don't really count - if for no other reason, then because, unlike every body else, I don't have a full time job).
Here is a quilt Kirsten recently finished - after soliciting advice from all of us, via facebook, on the border. She had another one originally, but actually took it off and put this new one on. Either one would have worked, I think, but if she didn't think so, clearly the first one was wrong.

Kirsten even came to visit me - the first of the Peace by Piecers to do so - I await visits from the rest - around Christmas. She and her adorable puppy Theo, stopped by for overnight visits on their way to Chicago and on the way back. It was great.
Here is another Kirsten quilt, pictured with Theo. I know Kirsten have other quilts in the works - or perhaps even finished - and I hope pictures are forthcoming. I also know that Mica will finish her beautiful purple quilt. And I sure hope to hear again soon from Marie - who has traveled the world and is now a busy public defender in Washington, DC. Stay tuned.


Sara Ashes said...

lovely! makes me miss you SO much!

Kirsten said...

i love love LOVE that there's a photo of Ava's quilt with all of your hands on it. and of course, that theo makes an appearance.

thanks for making us a part of your quilting life Charlott[e]--and from there, making us a part of the rest of your life.