Thursday, May 31, 2012

At Least Five Servings A Day

This quilt, which ended up measuring about 36" x 54", is just a collection of squares of fruit and vegetable fabrics which I pulled from my stash.  Not an obvious choice for a baby, perhaps, but it's colorful and I felt like the theme was a good one for the baby's parents.  The baby, of course, doesn't care at all what he gets anyway.

This particular baby, who ended up being named Otis, AKA Little O, was born to a most lovely young lawyer at the Southern Center, Atteeyah, and her lovely husband, Nate.  Atteeyah was an investigator a the office when I worked there and I always thought the world of her.  I think everybody was as excited as he or she could be, when Atteeyah, after completing law school at Stanford, returned to the Center as an attorney.  It is great to have her, Nate, and now Little O as a part of the Southern Center family.  I only regret I am so far away and won't get to know Little O as he grows up.

I hand pieced the quilt and it was, as always, expertly machine quilted, this time using a pattern called "Deb's Swirl," by Regina Carter.  

I always love getting a picture of the baby on the quilt when I give somebody a baby quilt.  This time I got a bonus, Little O and his beautiful Moma, both using the quilt together.

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